Maintained by Ethan L. Miller.
The current CRSS site is at

Joining CRSS

The CRSS is always looking for new people and organizations interested in working with us to expand the frontiers of storage systems research.


We have information on becoming a CRSS sponsor: the benefits of becoming one, and the process. Please see this page for details.


We are always looking for graduate (PhD and MS) and undergraduate students interested in working on cutting-edge research in the CRSS.


If you'd like to join our group, and are not yet a current UCSC grad student, you'll need to apply and be admitted to one of the departments in the Baskin School of Engineering. While most of our grad students are in the Computer Science & Engineering Department, we welcome students from all BSOE departments. You're welcome to contact current CRSS faculty with questions about our research and admissions. Please ask specific questions about the CRSS and UCSC, however—"generic" emails are much less likely to get a response.

If you're already a grad student at UCSC, we encourage you to attend our group meetings—look under CSE 280S for the current quarter. Group meetings are typically held on Monday afternoons, but please check the current schedule for the exact time and location.


We welcome participation by UCSC undergraduate students in our research group. Undergraduate students typically work with CRSS faculty and graduate students on a particular project, of their choice. Undergrads are encouraged to attend group meetings and to talk with other CRSS members about research, grad school, and industry. Undergrad research in the CRSS is a great opportunity to make connections with industry and to work on projects that result in papers, getting a leg up on grad school applications.

Visting students

We are happy to host visiting students in the CRSS, but are not typically able to fund students to do so. If you are self-funded, perhaps by your current institution, we'd be happy to discuss having you as a visiting student. We have hosted students from the US, Europe, and Asia in the past, and look forward to talking with students who might be interested in visiting in the future.

Information for new students

New students should read this wiki page on how to get set up in the CRSS. While most of the wiki requires a site login, this page doesn't, and it tells you how to get a site login so you can read everything else.

Research affiliates

We collaborate with many non-UCSC researchers, and welcome researchers who are interested in working with us. The best way to do this is contact the person (people) you're interested in working with, and discuss the project. There are no fees associated with being a CRSS Associate; we just want to collaborate on exciting research.

Last modified 20 Nov 2023