News for 2007
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This is a list of SSRC news items for 2007. For more details on a particular news item, please click on the item's link.
June 11, 2007:
Congratulations to Andrew Leung, who successfully defended his MS thesis on scalable security for Ceph.
Oct. 3, 2007:
The Fall 2007 SSRC seminar schedule is now available. The seminar is held Wednesdays 12-1:30 PM in E2-599.
Nov. 2, 2007:
A paper on Pergamum, a low-power disk-based archival storage system, has been accepted at FAST 2008.
Dec. 19, 2007:
The Winter 2008 SSRC seminar series will be held on Wednesdays from noon–1:30 PM.