News for 2009
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This is a list of SSRC news items for 2009. For more details on a particular news item, please click on the item's link.
Feb. 2, 2009:
Congralations to Dr. Mark Storer, who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis!
March 5, 2009:
The 2009 SSRC Research Retreat will be held on May 18th on the UC Santa Cruz campus.
March 16, 2009:
SSRC meetings for Spring 2009 will be on Wednesdays at noon starting on April 1st.
May 19, 2009:
Deepavali Bhagwat for a second year in a row has been awarded a prestigious scholarship from the ARCS Foundation
June 3, 2009:
The SSRC will have three papers appear at MASCOTS 2009 in September.
June 25, 2009:
Congratulations to Dr. Kevin Greenan, who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis!
Aug. 3, 2009:
The NSF has funded
Managing and Indexing Exascale Archival Storage Systems
(PI: Ethan Miller) at $489,000 over three years.
Aug. 20, 2009:
Congratulations to SSRC alum Dr. Ismail Ari, who recently won an IBM Faculty Award.
Sept. 16, 2009:
Profs. Miller and Long have been awarded an NSF grant for $553,000 to explore
Scalable Data Management Using Metadata and Provenance
Sept. 17, 2009:
Weekly SSRC meetings for Fall 2009 will be on Wednesdays at noon in E2-599 starting on September 30th.
Oct. 27, 2009:
NetApp founder Dave Hitz to speak at Baskin Engineering on November 4th.
Dec. 4, 2009:
Congratulations to Dr. Andrew Leung, who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
Dec. 16, 2009:
Weekly SSRC meetings for Winter 2010 will be on Wednesdays at 12:15 PM in E2-599, starting January 6th.