News for 2016
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This is a list of SSRC news items for 2016. For more details on a particular news item, please click on the item's link.
Feb. 1, 2016:
Professor Alvaro's collaboration with Netflix written up in The Register
March 4, 2016:
Congratulations to Dr Stephanie Jones for defending her dissertation "Techniques for Reducing Long-term Data Movement on Shingled Magnetic Recording Drives".
March 9, 2016:
The CRSS seminar series for Spring 2016 will be held on Mondays at 1:00 PM in E2-599, starting on March 28th.
May 20, 2016:
Our newest PhD, Dr Christina Strong successfully defended her dissertation.
June 20, 2016:
We will host an ASCAR Pilot bird-of-a-feather session at USENIX ATC16 at Denver, CO on 6/22/2016
Sept. 21, 2016:
Best Paper award given to a paper on RESAR, a system for ensuring reliable storage in very large storage systems.
Nov. 22, 2016:
Congratulations to Rekha Pitchumani for winning the first annual Computer Science Department PhD dissertation award!