News for 2020
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This is a list of SSRC news items for 2020. For more details on a particular news item, please click on the item's link.
April 25, 2020:
A paper on dynamic data placement for performance enhancement by Oceane Bel and others has been accepted to MSST'20.
April 25, 2020:
A paper on steganographic file systems by Austen Barker and others has been accepted to MSST'20.
April 25, 2020:
A paper on measuring the cost of reliability in archival systems by James Byron and others has been accepted to MSST'20.
April 26, 2020:
A paper by Daniel Bittman (and others) on Twizzler, an OS that rethinks the programming model in the face of changing memory technologies, has been accepted at USENIX ATC 2020.
July 15, 2020:
Prof. Ethan Miller gave a keynote talk at USENIX ATC 2020.
July 15, 2020:
Congratulations to Daniel Bittman on a great presentation at ATC'20!