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(+1) 909.437.8626
avani «at» mathcs·emory·edu

Avani Wildani

Dr. Avani Wildani is an Assistant Professor in Mathematics/Computer Science and Neuroscience at Emory University. Prior to that, she was a Pioneer Postdoctoral Fellow in computational neuroscience at the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences. She has worked as a systems administrator, video game tester, and lab animal wrangler as well as research internships at Google, IBM Almaden, and Sandia National Laboratories. She earned her B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College and her Ph.D. in Computer Science at UC Santa Cruz under Dr. Ethan Miller. Her interests are centered around information storage and retrieval across different storage models, with application domains including access prediction, data deduplication, archival economics, power management, wireless mesh networks, auditory receptive field characterization, and pollution monitoring.

She is the co-PI of the SimBioSys lab at Emory, and her group focuses on information models in cloud and communication systems, particularly those with biological connections, with a long term goal of categorizing neural information. She was co-chair of the inaugural computer systems track at the 2016 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.

Click here for a list of recent collaborators.

Last modified Aug 16 2020