SSRC Seminar: Security and Deduplication in the Cloud
The talk will discuss security and privacy issues that arise from deduplication in the cloud. Deduplication is a popular form of compression for large storage systems and is also used to reduce the bandwidth of incoming data to a storage cloud and has a significant effect on the cost of maintaining such clouds (especially when deployed across different users).
We study security implications that arise from the practice of deduplication as seen in several backup cloud services. We suggest methods to mitigated these issues,and allow the benefits of deduplication in this setting. Our main contribution is a technique that we call Proofs of Ownership.
This talk is based on work with Shai Halevi, Benny Pinkas and Alexandra Shulman-Peleg that appeared at ACM CCS 2011.
Short Bio: Danny Harnik is currently a researcher at IBM Haifa Reseach Labs. He holds a PhD from The Weizmann Institute of Science, and his main fields of research are storage systems, security and cryptography.
Monday, April 23, 2012 at 1:00 PM
SSRC Contact:
Miller, Ethan L.