Seminar: S4 and CRUSH: Multiple Uses of CRUSH in a Commercial Object Based File System
Craig Harmer, of Symantec, will discuss S4 and the multiple uses found for CRUSH in the design (it's not just for object placement).
S4 (Symantec Secure Scalable Storage) is an an object-based file system currently under development at Symantec. It is designed to aggregate servers built from commodity hardware to provide large storage capacity in a single namespace and simple, centralized, administration. The file system is designed to scale to tens of petabytes, tens of thousands of disks, and thousands of clients. It provides a file system with POSIX semantics, including coherency of file data and metadata across clients.
Craig Harmer was one of the founding engineers at Veritas Software and he was one of the original developers of VxFS in 1989. Symantec acquired Veritas almost four years ago, and Craig has worked at the combined company almost twenty years.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 at 12:00 PM
SSRC Contact:
Miller, Ethan L.